From the life of a homeschooling mom. a little bit of crafts, scrapbooking, photography, book reviews & journaling.....enjoy!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

whimsical creations is having a givaway!

Kristybee Photo Giveaway

Kristy has generously offered to giveaway your choice of 8x10 print from her shop.

Here is a little about the photographer behind these beautiful photos...1. Tell us a little about yourself...

I like to describe myself as a jeans, white tee-shirt, flip flops kind of girl. I live for summer, the beach, bright sunny days. I love vintage cameras and everything French. I am the mom of two beautiful daughters and I have a wonderful husband.

2. How long have you been doing this?

You could say I have been into photography most of my life, but only in the past couple of years has it become something I can make money doing. My camera comes everywhere with me..even if I am dropping the kids off at school or going to the grocery store. You never know when you can become inspired.

3.Who/What inspires you?

I am inspired by people.. my family, my friends, nature. Little things, like the way the light hits my coffee cup in the morning.

4.What's your favorite piece?
Wow..that is a great question. favorite piece is whatever I am working on at the moment. Most of my favorite shots are of my kids at the beach or my husband just sitting having his coffee. Quiet moments like that.

5. What advice do you have for a beginner?

It may sound cliche', but take pictures of what you love. Follow your heart and don't worry about rules. Plus...use natural light as much as will never be disappointed!

6. Where can we find you?

My Blog Link:

My Etsy Page:

My Facebook Fan Page:

To enter this contest, visit whimsical creations and follow the directions!CENTER