From the life of a homeschooling mom. a little bit of crafts, scrapbooking, photography, book reviews & journaling.....enjoy!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I was inspired to day by a blog I read. I have a few blogs that I read daily, such as  Dear Lizzy, a wonderful blog about her life as a wife, mom & scrapbooker. My other favorite is Joy's Hope. I also love A Beautiful Mess & Rachie's Place. I read these blogs almost everyday & get really bummed when they have nothing new. There are tons that I read frequently but I don't usually read the others everyday. 

Anyways, I ran across a blog a while ago but it got pushed to the "once in a while" pile. Until today when I was washing my dishes & couldn't stop thinking about what a bad week Amy was having. I decided to read her blog from the beginning like a book which is what I usually do with the "everydays". I found out that her goal in creating a blog was to make a book to pass on to her children so they could remember all of the little things in life. At least thats my interpretation. So I have been inspired to do the same.

So first things first: A few nights ago, my family was getting home late from our church's firework tent & there were 5 slugs on our porch. The conversation went like this:

Me: I hate slugs!!!!
My son: Not me! I love slugs! They are so peaceful.
Me: WHAT?!?!
My son: Yeah, they are. They don't have drama like bears!

I promise you, true story!

So I am going to attempt daily blog postings.....maybe I will reach my "famous blogger with tons of followers" goal sooner that way!

Enjoy the journey with me

Monday, June 14, 2010


I think I will share some random yet slightly interesting facts about me........

1. I am Italian, German, Irish & Bulgarian. 1/4 each, but I had no idea I was Bulgarian until I was 21! Curious as to why? Ask me......I dare you!

2. I am turning 30 in a month.......not sure if thats amazingky exciting or downright depressing.

3. I am happily married & have been for a little over 10 years!

4. I have 2 crazy kids. My son Isaiah Jr. is almost 10 & Isabel is 8.

5. I love Coca Cola. I drink at least a 2 liter a day.

6. Rockstars are amazing & I am pretty sure I couldnt get up in the morning without them!

7. I love to scrapbook & papercraft. I want to learn to do so much more.......

8. I am a homeschooling mom & it is quite interesting!

9. My husband is a minister....yes, I am a preacher's wife. If you would have old me that 12 years ago I would have laughed. hysterically.

10. I loooooooove Jesus. I love the fact that He redeemed me.

11. I love the word "redeem". I looked it up one time & i was amazed with how it relates to our relationship with God. My life was a miserable wreck before God, literally worthless. But when He saved me, He made my life something of value. I can't get over that.

12. I HATE feet. especially toenails.....honestly, i gagged just typing it! not too long ago my husband held me down & rubbed his toenails all over my bare legs to help me "conquer my fears". didnt work, i think he just wanted to torture me, not help.

13. I grew up in the hood. We never lived in a house growing up. The house I live in now is MY first house!

14. I am obssesed with Russians! I want to be one badly.

The time has come!

For me to get serious about blogging!

I want to overnight become this famous blogger with thousands of followers, but sadly I don't see that happening by tomorrow!

I don't know why......I am a fabulous speller. I like stuff. I like people. I love followers. I read everyone else's blogs.

Someday somebody is going to fall in love with this blog & they will read all of my bac archived posts like I do when i find a blog i love. So here's to you, Future Blog Lover......wherever you are now......